Collection of documents
Terms and documents
Here you can view all our documents and agreements for our services! Here we describe, among other things, how we handle personal data, what is included in our SLAs and other important information that our customers need to know.
Terms and Conditions
(from 22-12-08)
Personal data policy
(from 21-01-15)
Environmental policy
(from 22-01-10)
Terms for topdomains .SE and .NU
(Invalid from 221208) Terms and Conditions shared hosting, domains and shared mail 2021
(from 21-01-15)
(Invalid from 221208) Terms and Conditions Scale Cloud VPS
(from 21-01-15)
(Invalid from 221208) Terms and Conditions beebyte PaaS
(from 21-01-15)
(Ogiltig fr.o.m 210115) Terms and conditions shared hosting, domains and shared mail
(from 19-01-18)
OBS! “(Ogiltig) Allmänna villkor webbhotell, domäner, shared mail” är en tidigare version av våra allmänna villkor! Kolla därför extra noga på datumet som står bredvid filen för att se till att du läser den senaste versionen.